
艾迪奖, 一年一度的庆祝杜瓦尔县优秀教师的活动, is a time-honored tradition that has grown into its new mission to elevate the role of Jacksonville's best teachers.





凯公园 was named the 2016年佛罗里达蓝杜瓦尔县年度教师 tonight at the 25th Anniversary of the EDDY Awards. Park, a third grade teacher at Alimacani小学, was selected among five exceptional finalists.

朴槿惠因其在学校内外的领导能力而受到认可——“导师”, 教育家和志愿者. She has committed to the teaching profession with nearly 30 years of advancing student achievement in Duval County public schools. Park believes that “every child must know that are capable of success through hard work and perseverance.”

作为一名教育工作者,朴槿惠努力让她的学生“看到我们的榜样在行动.“父母, 社区成员, 执法, 课堂上欢迎急救人员和军人来建立关系, 信任和相互尊重. 朴槿惠在2014年教师共同评价体系中获得了96%的评价.

2016年佛罗里达蓝杜瓦尔县年度教师, 朴槿惠将继续争夺全州冠军.

艾迪奖 teacher of the year program is an initiative of the bwin时时彩平台 and it is more than just one day of celebration — it is a year-long effort to celebrate and elevate Duval County’s best public school educators. 它包括富国银行卓越教学系列研讨会, which will make the best practices and live classroom demonstration of outstanding 年度教师奖 accessible to all teachers in Duval County. The Rotary Clubs of Duval County — the organization that founded the EDDY Awards tradition — provides individual cash awards and establishes five 有趣的ds at the bwin时时彩平台 for each of the finalists to use for a project at their school. 想了解更多关于朴槿惠和所有170名年度教师的信息,请访问 www.eddyawardsjax.org.

该活动庆祝了EDDY奖成立25周年, 最初是由杜瓦尔县的扶轮社发起的. 过去的杜瓦尔县年度教师被授予

“能和将近1岁的人一起分享这项活动25周年纪念日,我感到很激动,000名教育工作者和公共教育倡导者,”他说, bwin时时彩平台会主席. “艾迪奖真的是一年中最好的一天.”

就像每个杜瓦尔县年度最佳教师一样, Park will join the bwin时时彩平台 董事会 as an ex-officio member for the next year.

“I am inspired by the talented and committed teachers that are working every day in every classroom to help children in our city reach their fullest potential. 我代表杜瓦尔县公立学校的每一个人, 祝贺凯公园和所有的年度最佳教师!”医生说。. 尼古拉P. 维蒂,杜瓦尔县公立学校的负责人.

每年,. Park努力创造一个热情欢迎所有家庭成员的教室环境. She works very closely with parents in order to establish relationships built on 信任和相互尊重. 她鼓励他们在各个层面上参与进来, 并致力于通过频繁的笔记保持双向沟通, 电话, 会议和电子邮件,以建立学生的成就.

Ms. 朴槿惠是一位卓有成效的教育家,也是她的学生关心的榜样. Her classroom culture is characterized by high expectations and a belief that each child can and will be successful. 这里的学习环境对家长来说是温馨的,对孩子也是安全的. Ms. Park guides her students through well-planned learning activities with great passion and energy.

作为阿里玛卡尼小学强有力的教师领导. 她不仅成功地指导了新入职教师,还指导了预备教师. 她以前的一个学生描述得最好:

作为班上的一名学生. 朴槿惠让学习变得有趣. 她不仅教会我如何阅读,而且教会我热爱阅读. 她还教会了我们人生的教训. 我还能听到她说, “为了过上幸福的生活, 你必须努力工作,永远尽你最大的努力.“她会在课堂上和我们一起跳舞,我们都知道她是多么爱我们每一个人. 她是那种让每个人都感到特别和重要的人. 作为同事,夫人. 我刚入职阿里玛卡尼时,朴槿惠是我的导师. 她把她所知道的关于教育和孩子的一切都教给了我. She left a lasting impression on my life because I know just how much you can inspire kids to love learning by making them feel special.
——Jenna Pugh, Alicamani小学一年级老师




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邓肯U. 弗莱彻高中

先生. 布朗完成了他最后一年的教学, 那些有幸和他一起教学的人对他的描述最好. 他在弗莱彻高中的校长. 唐纳德·纳尔逊(Donald Nelson)分享说,他能给奥巴马最好的支持. Brown would be to wish that he had more teachers like him and if he had a child at 弗莱彻高中, 他会想让他在. 布朗的类.

Mr. 布朗的教学能力和学生成绩在弗莱彻高中是众所周知的. 除了在课堂上表现出色外,奥巴马先生. 布朗赞助了扶轮少年服务团, 相当于高中的国际扶轮, 过去的14年. 在他的指导下, 该俱乐部每年完成40个志愿者项目,其中包括筹集30多美元,000 to provide three dogs for K-9 for Warriors who provide service dogs to our wounded warriors.

Mr. 布朗解释说,他通过正式和非正式的方法来评估他的学生. He says that his students test at the start and at the end of each course and that there is always considerable growth pertaining to the subject matter. 但他很快补充说,这只是成为一名成功教师的一部分. 他知道鼓励学生独立成长是他的责任. 在教授社会研究,尤其是政府研究方面. 布朗大学致力于帮助学生成为积极参与的公民和终身学习者. 最近,他的叔叔在一家商店和一个他从未见过的店员交谈. 当他们说话的时候,年轻的女人说:“先生. 布朗大学是我在大学继续我的教育的原因.”

道格的教学远远超出了学生的积极性和参与度. 他不仅关心他们的学业成绩,而且关心他们的情感健康, 以及他们的全球公民身份. His teaching encourages students to look beyond prescribed curriculum while simultaneously paying heed to the valuable initiatives and programs without complaint. 学生们不仅理解了主题, 但也要意识到,对世界的投资是做出改变的必要条件. Doug’s energy and compassion are infectious and set a positive atmosphere in all his undertakings.
——蒂娜·M. 里德,弗莱彻高中的测试协调员



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迪翁米. 克莱顿



其中一名学生的家长说. 克莱顿描述了她与众不同的地方. “Ms. 克莱顿是一个优秀教师应该具备的特质的缩影:关爱, 真诚的, 知识渊博的, 聪明的, 理解, 专业, 专用的, 鼓励, 勤劳的, 有趣的, 种类, 优秀的沟通者, 始终如一,是一个整体卓越的个人!“这是父母给予高度赞扬的一个例子,当然是当之无愧的.

Ms. 克莱顿 advises and educates students to use three tools; communication, 选择和承诺,确保他们在学校和生活中的学业成功,通过咨询. Ms. 克莱顿认为自己是一名教育承包商, helping students plan their course of action over a period of time and in various ways with hope of ending up with the career of their dreams.

Ms. 克莱顿已经能够为她的同事提供专业发展. 与今天的评估和标准的要求, she and her co-teachers and counselors often feel overwhelmed and need resources to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together, 哪一个最终会实现学生的成功. Her goal is to offer solutions to fill in the gaps as we move towards becoming proficient with varied demands or new expectations.

Ms. 克莱顿是一位无私,敬业,勤奋,尽责的律师. 由于她的存在,她周围的学生和成年人都感到振奋. 她是一名学生倡导者,同时要求学生承担责任. She is not easily describable but the impact she has on those around her is consistently positive. 作为一名咨询师. 克莱顿用她的心来领导,用她的智慧来跟随.



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  • 测试协调员
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  • 詹姆斯·威尔登·约翰逊大学预科中学2011年度最佳教师

Jaime Plauche


在夫人. Plauche的教室, 实施各种教学实践以促进学生的学习和成功. 时间被用来培养一个社区, 学习习惯和惯例, 了解彼此,设定目标. Her classes brainstorm classroom expectations to promote learning in a safe and productive environment and students agree to the expectations by signing their names. High expectations are set academically and behaviorally from the very first day and students rise to these expectations.

作为一名教师领导. 普劳切在干预响应(RTI)小组工作, 提供帮助, 为教师提供所需的指导和资源. 她还担任新教师的导师, 每周与学员会面, 在课堂上观察他们,并提供建议和支持.

作为年度最佳教师. 普劳切鼓励教师们建立自己的村庄. 虽然我们经常听说抚养一个孩子需要一个村庄, 她认为老师需要自己的村庄. 教育的世界是不断变化的,我们都需要人们的支持, 听我们说, 鼓励我们, 教育我们, 为我们而战,激励我们成为教育者.

她的前任校长. 普劳切在工作中描述了她的技能和才能. 普劳切是少有的集多种才能于一身的教师, 教学技能, 内容知识, 这一切都是为了确保每个学生都能达到当今严格标准的要求.”

夫人. 普劳切一直对变化持开放态度,尤其是在这个不断变化的教育世界. 她一直在寻找更好的教学方法,并向同事学习. She has been utilized as a mentor teacher to other teachers and carries herself as a model for what the teaching profession should be. She provides a nurturing touch to her students and provides a mathematically minded classroom for her third graders. 她的笑容很有感染力,是我们楼里一位备受尊敬的老师.
——玛丽安·G. 李校长,赛迪T. 蒂利斯小学



  • 北佛罗里达大学基础教育文学学士


  • 最优等生,荣誉课程,校长荣誉榜,院长名单
  • 预审最佳和最聪明的奖学金获得者
  • 数学领导老师,RTI团队领导,年级主席,数学委员会主席

Darryl L. 白二世

马修·W. 吉尔伯特中学

Mr. White is a phenomenal teacher who can reach the struggling or troubled students as well as the brightest or most motivated, 都在同一节课上. 他对学生的奉献不止于课堂. 他同时也是学校的体育主管. Mr. White works hard to ensure that the athletes know that they are students first and athletes second. He encourages he students to receive tutoring in areas in which they are struggling and checks in with teachers to be sure his athletes are behaving as model students.

其中一人的父母. 怀特的学生帮助描述了他的教学实践. “His ability to combine the Montessori teaching method generally used in preschool with structured advanced teaching methods used in International Baccalaureate Programs with advanced secondary high school students is nothing less than phenomenal.”

Mr. 怀特的教学以他对学生的爱、接纳和尊重为指导. 在他相对较短的教学生涯中. White has become a model teacher, applying many of the practices he has learned and researched. 作为一个终身学习者, 他实施跨文化学习策略, 真正的学生参与和差异化课程教学策略.

Darryl是我见过的最有艺术天赋的老师之一. 他天生就有站在教室前面的能力, 或者和一群学生一起, 让他们参与真正的21世纪学习. The students feel valued in his classroom and work relentlessly to contribute to their construction of knowledge for authentic work. 他的课堂环境和文化是一种观察的乐趣, 而他的学生意识到他对他们的生活和学习经历的热情.
——杰米勒·W. 校长古德温,马修·W·. 吉尔伯特中学


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